View Profile FullArsenal
This page is freezing. Someone get me a coat.

Age 30, Male

Lightbulb maker


In the cookoo clock

Joined on 11/22/07

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FullArsenal's News

Posted by FullArsenal - July 23rd, 2008

7 days.

For posting in a spam thread.

It was either EyeLovePoozy or Malachy.

Excuse me. 7 Days seems a bit unreasonable.


Edit: My review for Awesome Gaiden (lol)

submission: Awesome Gaiden
date: 4 hours ago

Well, it wasn't really funny. The easter egg would have been funny if I hadn't seen it before, though.

Also, watch this review be useless because I disagree with many people's opinions.

Rate this review:
Flag as abusive.

People think this is a useless review.

Alright. What the flying fuck.

Posted by FullArsenal - July 20th, 2008

I'm pretty much leaving this site. I'll visit here once and a while, but I think I'm going to all together stop depositing. Level 14 is okay. Actually, I'm going to deposit every once and a while until I find the 2nd to last secret. Then I'll stop.

Screw the BBS. It's shit. Full of assholes and trolls. 'Nuff said.

I might watch a few flash here every once and a while, but that's about it.

To ShadowWest2k7, Nikenick, and B4gle, I'll still go to MSN/Brawl, so don't just think that I'm leaving the world altogether.

Bye, guys.


P.S. I've realized that since I've come to Newgrounds, my life has changed a lot. A bit for the better, way more for the worse. Staying on this site isn't gonna help me.

I'm gonna do shit with my life. I'm gonna play the piano, keep playing and playing and playing it, and I'm gonna write a song. And it will be a damn good song.

I might submit it to the audio portal.

P.P.S. From one of my recent BBS posts:

Person 1: (In a thread about good video games)
Maybe Halo 1 or Halo 3, for me.

Person 2:
Halo is not epic is is overated and if not for the onlie play no one would have ever recognized that game the only reason it is so popular is because people like playing against others. It's not a good game or is it anything special.

When, god.

When will the whole fucking BBS learn that everybody is entitled to their own opinions?

Posted by FullArsenal - July 13th, 2008

Lol nobody cares

Posted by FullArsenal - July 3rd, 2008

I'm going to Kentucky where there will be a houseboat waiting for me, I'll stay there for 3 days, and then go to Mammoth Caves for 3 days.

Bye y'all, don't be dicks while I'm gone.

I might make a huge news post about it when I get back.

EDIT: 7/4, 6:15 AM

Well, my mom just woke me up at 5 AM, and I had to take the dog for a walk. Time to go very very soon.

ShadowWest2k7 here depositing for him.

EDIT: 7/10, 5:19 PM

Got back not too long ago. I would make a post, but I'm leaving for Ottawa now. I might make it while I'm in Ottawa.

P.S., Shit guys, 3 comments in 6 days, and they were all on the same day?


EDIT: 7/10, 5:48 PM

I guess I should show you a picture, right? Here's a corvette that I saw at the corvette museum.


Posted by FullArsenal - June 25th, 2008

Which picture should I use for my profile pic? The current one or this one?

(Which do I look older)

I think I look older in this one.


Posted by FullArsenal - June 4th, 2008

Just wanna know what you think of me. Post your thoughts.

Posted by FullArsenal - May 7th, 2008


Posted by FullArsenal - January 21st, 2008

Here's a recipe that you can actually eat.

12-16 large eggs
A wide mouthed pickling jar
2 pints of ordinary brown vinegar
Large pinch of salt
2 tablespoons of sugar

Using a large saucepan, completely immerse the eggs in cold water, adding a splash of vinegar to prevent the shells from cracking and improve peelability. Put a lid on and bring the water to a vigorous boil. As soon as it's boiling, turn off the heat, and let the eggs stand in the hot water for 15 minutes. Timing is vital. If you overcook the eggs, or at too high of a temperature, the whites will shrivel and toughen, and the yolks become hard.
After 15 minutes, remove the lid, and put the pan into the sink, and run the cold tap into the hot water, allowing it to overflow while you get on with something else for a few minutes.
To peel the eggs, tap them on the table and crack the shells between your hands. Peel them carefully under water, starting at the fat end. Try to get all the skin off but avoid damaging them. Wounded eggs look ugly. This part is mind-freezingly boring; get someone to help.
Pour the vinegar into a pan along with the salt and sugar, and bring to a boil. If you're making fancy eggs, now is the time to drop in chopped onion, cardamom seeds, chilies, garlic, or whatever you like, and simmer until people start to complain about the smell. Put the eggs into a very clean jar in the sink and pour the boiling vinegar mixture over them. After about five minutes, put on the lid, making sure it's airtight. Store the eggs somewhere dark and cool. They will be ready in about a month. The longer you keep them, the rubberier they get.
Eat with beer.

Posted by FullArsenal - December 20th, 2007

Mice cream

A few fat mice
A hunk of salt pork or sowbelly
A bottle of industrial-strength vodka
3 oz Grand Marnier
A few cloves
half a pound of all purpose flour
Salt and pepper

Skin, eviscerate, and wash the mice but leave the heads on. If you don't like the reproachful look in their eyes, tie an old sock over their faces.
Marinate in vodka for two hours (the mice, not you)
While you wait, dice the pork belly and render the fat by cooking slowly for several hours.
Drain the mice (careful, vodka is flammable.)
Dredge them throughly in the flour, seasoned well with salt and pepper.
Saute in the pork fat for five minutes.
Add 1/2 cup vodka, the Grand Marnier, and a pinch of cloves.
Simmer covered for 15 minutes.
Prepare a Bechamel cream sauce (look for it in an old cookbook) and transfer the hot, succulent, and orangey mice into it.
Warm for about 10 mins.

Spider side salad

In addition to tarantulas, you should include spiders of as many different kinds as you can find, depending on where you live. Don't go anywhere near the poisonous ones, obviously.

1. Steam your spiders live, like crab, to maintain crispness.
2. Amputate the legs from larger specimens, and quarter them.
3. Make a bed of romaine lettuce, parsley, chopped portobello mushrooms, radishes, and scallions. Toss in a cut of chopped spiders and a generous squirt of extra-virgin olive oil, vinegar, lemon juice, and fresh ground pepper. Sliced jalapeno chili pepper adds an extra kick. (since you won't get one from the spider legs)
