I'm pretty much leaving this site. I'll visit here once and a while, but I think I'm going to all together stop depositing. Level 14 is okay. Actually, I'm going to deposit every once and a while until I find the 2nd to last secret. Then I'll stop.
Screw the BBS. It's shit. Full of assholes and trolls. 'Nuff said.
I might watch a few flash here every once and a while, but that's about it.
To ShadowWest2k7, Nikenick, and B4gle, I'll still go to MSN/Brawl, so don't just think that I'm leaving the world altogether.
Bye, guys.
P.S. I've realized that since I've come to Newgrounds, my life has changed a lot. A bit for the better, way more for the worse. Staying on this site isn't gonna help me.
I'm gonna do shit with my life. I'm gonna play the piano, keep playing and playing and playing it, and I'm gonna write a song. And it will be a damn good song.
I might submit it to the audio portal.
P.P.S. From one of my recent BBS posts:
Person 1: (In a thread about good video games)
Maybe Halo 1 or Halo 3, for me.
Person 2:
Halo is not epic is is overated and if not for the onlie play no one would have ever recognized that game the only reason it is so popular is because people like playing against others. It's not a good game or is it anything special.
When, god.
When will the whole fucking BBS learn that everybody is entitled to their own opinions?
Fucking motherwhore. Shit!
Ben, don't leave! Come back. Come back to us!!!
Sorry. If you add me on MSN then we can keep in touch.